The photos are taken up close to the motif: a car, the shell of a turtle, a stone relief from Roman times. Through the close-up view, we see a way of looking. Objects have a skin, cars have eyes, and things have human qualities, but humans themselves are absent—or, one should say, humans are implicit in the objects. The closest we get to the human figure is the photo of a Roman relief showing a face in stone, taken at the Landesmuseum in Trier. “How could we imagine things from the object’s perspective, rather than from ours?” Christoph reflects while we meet at the KIT, and he moves around a small glass vase with a flower in it. The question is: Is this possible? Can we imagine and see things without our own bias and perspective included? The artist’s contribution could be seen as an attempt to show object-ness, not to be confused with objectivity.
Jurriaan Benschop
Yeşim Akdeniz, François Dey, Jen Liu, Kubilay Mert Ural, Ceel Mogami de Haas, Christoph Westermeier, Müge Yilmaz, 03.03. – 03.06.2018, KIT Düsseldorf
Variable Maße, verzinkte Lochblechplatten, PVC-Prints, Hanfseil, 2018, documentation: Ivo Faber
